C: User-defined Functions

A function is a group of statements (i.e. block of code) that perform a task. Every C program has at least one function called the main where program execution begins. Additional functions are created for numerous reasons:

  1. Organize, or modularize, the program
  2. Facilitate code re-use, i.e. write-once, run many
  3. Improved program/code readability
  4. Breaking a large project into smaller ones and assigning parts to teams
  5. Easier debugging

There are a few important things to know about C functions:

  • Function name - every function is given a name
  • Function declaration - informs the compiler about the function's name, return type, and parameters
  • Function definition - the function body, i.e. statements to be executed/run
  • Function call - the code that calls (runs) the function
  • Return type - function may return a value. The return type is the data type of the value the function returns. If a function does not return a value then the return type is void
  • Parameter - functions may have parameters (i.e. optional). They are are any data passed to it
  • Function body - synonymous with function definition
  • Recursion - when a function calls itself

Example: C that does not return anything

	#include <stdio.h>
	void greeting()
		printf("This is a C program.\n");
		printf("I hope you enjoy.");

	int main()
		 greeting();  /* function call */
		 return 0;


  This is a C program.
  I hope you enjoy.

Example: Simple Function in C - returns an integer

	#include <stdio.h> 
	int sq(int num);

	int main() {
		/* calling foo from main */
		printf("2 squared = %d", sq(2));

	int sq(int num) {
		return num * num;


  2 squared = 4

Example: Simple Function in C - returns an integer

	#include <stdio.h>
	/* function declaration */
	int min(int num1, int num2);
	int main () {

	   /* local variable declations */
	   int a = 23;
	   int b = 15;
	   int answer;
	   answer = min(a, b);		/* function call */
	   printf( "Minimum value is : %d\n", answer );
	   return 0;
	int min(int num1, int num2) {
	   int answer;
	   if (num1 < num2)
		  answer = num1;
		  answer = num2;
	   return answer; 



Example: Simple Function in C - returns nothing (void)

	#include <stdio.h> 
	void greeting(int count);   /* function prototype */


	void greeting(int count) 
		int x; 
		for(x = 0; x < count; x++) 



Example: Recursion Example - Calculate Factorial

	#include <stdio.h>
	int recurs(int);
		int x, fact ; 
		printf("Enter number to calculate factorial: "); 
		scanf ("%d", &x); 
		fact = recurs(x); 
		printf ("Factorial value: %d", fact); 
	int recurs (int x) 
		int fact; 
		if (x == 1) 
			return (1); 
			fact = x * recurs (x - 1) ; 
		return (fact) ; 

Output: (4 is user input, 24 is output)

  Enter number to calculate factorial: 4
  Factorial value: 24