These examples demonstrate the use of If statements with Python built-in functions.
Example: If statement with function in Python
def calcBonus(units):
if units > 1000:
print("Your bonus will be 10%")
elif units > 500:
print("Your bonus will be 5%")
elif units > 200:
print("Your bonus will be 2.5%")
units = int(input("How many units did you sell this month? "))
How many units did you sell this month? 700 {user input}
Your bonus will be 5%
Example: If statement with functions in Python
def getInput():
class_type = input("Please enter the class type code: ")
return class_type
def displayClassType(class_type):
if class_type == "D":
print("Your class type is day")
elif class_type == "E":
print("Your class type is evening")
elif class_type == "O":
print("Your class type is online")
elif class_type == "H":
print("Your class type is hyrid")
print("Invalid class code")
class_type = getInput()
Example: If statement with functions in Python
def displayMenu():
print("Main Menu")
print("1. Look-Up Employee")
print("2. Update Employee Information")
print("3. Print Paycheck")
print("4. Exit")
choice = input("Please enter choice: ")
return choice
def employeeLookUp():
print("Look-Up Employee")
employeeID = input("Enter Employee ID: ")
# Code to query employee ID
print("Employee ID", employeeID, "information: ")
def employeeUpdate():
print("Update Employee Information")
choice = displayMenu()
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
Example: If statement with function in Python
def evaScore(score):
if score == 200:
print("Perfect game! Amazing")
elif score >= 200:
print("Outstanding game.")
elif score >= 150:
print("Very good game.")
elif score >= 100:
print("Good game.")
print("Keep practicing.")
score = int(input("What was your bowling score? "))
Example: If statement with function in Python
def displayMedals(ccode):
if ccode == "US":
print("The United States won 23 total medals.")
if ccode == "NO":
print("Norway won 39 total medals.")
if ccode == "DE":
print("Germany won 29 total medals.")
if ccode == "AN":
print("Netherlands won 20 total medals.")
ccode = input("Enter your country code, e.g. US, etc.: ")
Example: If statement with functions in Python
def feetToInches():
feet = float(input("Please enter number of feet to convert: "))
inches = feet * 12
print(feet, "feet is equal to %.1f" % inches, "inches.")
def cmToInches():
print("Finish function code here.")
def metersToFeet():
print("Finish function code here.")
def mmToInches():
print("Finish function code here.")
# Main Program
print("Measurement Converter")
print("1. Feet to Inches")
print("2. Centimeters to Inches")
print("3. Meters to Feet")
print("4. Millimeters to Inches")
print("5. Exit")
choice = input("Please enter choice (1-5): ")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
elif choice == "3":
elif choice == "4":
elif choice == "5":
print("Invalid choice.")